There are several explanations why you might be interested in knowing someone’s IP address. Perhaps you should add a continuously connected device to your blacklist, or maybe you want to follow an individual’s IP address directly to its origin to confirm their whereabouts. There are some IP lookup techniques you should be aware of, regardless of the reason.
- Check the entire header of a newly received email
One easy way to find someone’s IP address is to look up their incoming email. To do this, you must already have an email from the individual whose IP address you are interested in searching. Email sends information that is condensed into email headers in addition to the message’s content. An IP address and other important information are included in headers that indicate the origin of an email. The exact location depends on whatever email provider you are currently using. To locate them within an email in Gmail, for example, click the “More” button and choose “Show original” from the extended menu. A fresh window with the sender’s IP address, the time mark, and more message content will appear.
- Using an IP address lookup tool
To begin with, using any of the various internet IP lookup tools is the easiest approach to finding someone’s IP address. The fact that internet service companies give their clients’ devices public IP addresses makes this potential. Many sites provide tools for typing in an IP address and collecting its results from the public database for free. Although these publicly accessible databases typically contain accurate details, they could also contain out-of-date content. The geographical location information linked to an IP address comes from enormous databases that are managed by other organizations, compared to recognizing current information. Know more about IP checker online
- Using the command prompt
An individual’s IP address can be directly found on a command line on a computer. This is useful not just for finding the IP address of a website, but also for locating the IP address of a specific individual. Also, the majority of computers come with the software pre-installed. The Start menu’s search function can be used to open a command prompt. The screen that appears after you first start a command prompt is black. You may use a ping test to determine whether an IP address is reachable. This will try to link your device to the one that has the desired IP address.
- Finding a website’s IP address
Enter “ping” into your command prompt, followed by a dash and the URL of the website that you want to trace. Press the “Enter” key on your computer to execute the command that was entered. For instance, type ping and hit Enter to find out Google’s IP address. Your computer will begin to look for that website’s server. The IP address you’re looking for will show up if you succeed. If not, a failed response will show that something went wrong.